Final Document available
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Today we have the final version of the EuReCa ONE paper available.
Thanks to all contributors.
FInal Document available
(1.10 MB)
EuReCa ONE - First version online available
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EuReCa ONE Manuscript was accepted for publication
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Dear All
it is a pleasure to inform you, that we got positive feedback from Resuscitation. Please find the decision letter attached.
Thanks a lot for your great work. We will start within the next weeks preparing EuReCa TWO.
Nevertheless, now is time to celebrate your fantastic work. ASAP as we have a version of the manuscript that we can share, I will come back with the pdf.
Please inform your local contributors also.
Thanks again
in behalft of the
Study Management Team
Steering Committee
Best wishes
Date: 08 Jun 2016
To: "Jan-Thorsten Gräsner" This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
From: "Resuscitation" This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Subject: Your Submission
Ms. Ref. No.: RESUS-D-16-00431R1
Title: EuReCa ONE - 27 Nations, ONE Europe, ONE Registry A prospective one month analysis of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest outcomes in 27 countries in Europe
Dear Dr. Gräsner,
I am pleased to inform you that your paper "EuReCa ONE - 27 Nations, ONE Europe, ONE Registry A prospective one month analysis of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest outcomes in 27 countries in Europe" has been accepted for publication in Resuscitation.
When your paper is published on ScienceDirect, you want to make sure it gets the attention it deserves. To help you get your message across, Elsevier has developed a new, free service called AudioSlides: brief, webcast-style presentations that are shown (publicly available) next to your published article. This format gives you the opportunity to explain your research in your own words and attract interest. You will receive an invitation email to create an AudioSlides presentation shortly. For more information and examples, please visit
Thank you for submitting your work to Resuscitation.
Yours sincerely,
Professor Jerry Nolan
Manuscript submitted
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EuReCa ONE Meeting at Utstein Abbey
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EuReCa ONE Newsletter Nr.2
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Study protocol published in Scandinavian Journal of Trauma,Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine
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EuReCa-ONE on ReSS Meeting AHA Chicago 2014
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The abstract is online available:
EuReCa One Newsletter #1
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pdf EuReCa One Newsletter #1 (PDF) (145 kB)
Modification in Variable List
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In order to ensure all participants have access to the same data set we have revised the excel version to make sure it matches the data sheet and the PDF version. The revised version is also available on Basecamp for all national coordinators and includes comments to show what changes have been made since the last version.
We hope that we have tested the export template sufficiently but if you have any questions or problems please do not hesitate to contact the SMT.
Study Protocol Version 1.3 online
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No substantial changes within the study protocol were made.
EuReCa ONE Editorial in Resuscitation published today
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pdf EuReCa ONE Editorial RESUSCITATION (188.64 kB 2014-09-19 17:55:49) registration for EuReCa ONE
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New Participants
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Update of Study documents
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Data Security Information
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pdf Data Security Information V 1.0 EuReCa ONE ( 2014-07-21 18:45:23)
DGAI invites to participate in European survey
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Protocol and data list are online now
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pdf Study protocol EuReCa One Version 1 ( 2014-05-26 15:48:03)
pdf EuReCa ONE Data Variable List Ark1 Ark1 ( 2014-05-26 22:32:18)
Meeting in Bilbao
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During the Resuscitation 2014 we will have a meeting from all participants of the EuReCa ONE Study.
The meeting will take place: Thursday, 15.Mai 2014, 19.00 - 21.00, OFFICE 3.2